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MaxxECU online help

User configured functions executed independently by the PDM, without the ECU needing to be present. Since it's independent of the ECU this function can only use those RT-values that are available in the PDM.

Useful for functions that are not related to engine management that needs to function without the ECU being powered on.


Note: The PDM reads some engine-related RealTime Data channels from the ECU, these can be used when the ECU is on, but they will of course not be updated when the ECU is offline.





1. Activate an output in PDM --> Output functions as a PDM user output. In this example we use the PDM output 4.



Option: In the above example we use the ECU value wheel slip to be configured to activate the user output when wheel slip is over 20%.

Note: Since this is an ECU dependent RealTime Data value, it WILL ONLY WORK when the ECU is powered.



Option: In the above example we use a PDM RealTime Data value, which is always enabled when the PDM is powered (unlike any ECU RealTime Data value which requires the ECU to be online). When the total Current of the PDM exceeds 120A, the PDM output 4 is active